Overall: EN30

  • EN30 Total environmental protection expenditures and investments by type.

    Integrated Report:

    Investments in limiting the impact of our activities on the environment are mostly integrated into ongoing operations and incorporated into design, development and construction activities, such as those for new buildings, renovations and upgrades, water-recycling plants, water harvesting and energy-efficiency initiatives.

    We also invest in new products including relevant software development, and carbon offset programmes. Payments include those made to certified waste disposal contractors. As these are integrated into operational expenditure, they are not always readily identifiable and quantifiable.

    In the Automotive division, expenditure is incorporated into development and construction activities to comply with environmental legislation, internal standards and good practice. In addition, there is on-going expenditure on maintaining standards and complying with existing ISO ratings (infrastructure and systems) as well as principals’ quality and environmental standards. Building new dealerships incorporates such expenditure as well as retrofitting existing buildings.

    Overall the group spent some R3.8 million on energy and water efficiency initiatives and waste disposal during the period.

    In addition Avis Rent a Car South Africa purchased Voluntary Emission Reductions (VERs) (14 263 tons for 2015) to the value of approximately R0.6 million. The VERs were purchased through Nedbank Capital and sourced through the Johannesburg Landfill Gas to Energy Project.

    The group’s 2015 CDP Climate Change disclosure response contains a schedule of initiatives and expenditure to reduce energy consumption and related emissions for the previous reporting period. (see www.barloworld.com ).