Product and service labeling: PR3 - PR5
PR3 Type of product and service information required by procedures, and percentage of significant products and services subject to such information requirements.
The group is committed to ensuring that all products sold have the certification, labelling, product and service information required by respective local laws. Products are essentially motor vehicles, plant, equipment and related use thereof. In principle, the information and labelling is the responsibility of the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs). This information is conveyed to customers in handbooks, handover procedures and, where appropriate, displayed on the vehicle, plant or equipment.
The group strives to ensure that all products have information and labelling as required by the respective local authority’s health and safety laws as well as those laws that pertain to safety and health in the mining sector, where applicable.
Information also includes vehicle, plant and equipment operating procedures, maintenance procedures and service intervals and safety.
PR4 Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning product and service information and labelling, by type of outcomes.
There were no incidents of non-compliance during the year under review.
We are aware of the well-publicised Volkswagen and Audi emission issues affecting customers internationally. We recognise the associated risks and are engaging with our principal. The Volkswagen and Audi vehicles sold by us in our territories meet local emissions compliance standards, and our operations have consequently not been directly impacted. We regret any anxiety or uncertainty our customers, or any other stakeholders, may have experienced because of this matter.
PR5 Practices related to customer satisfaction, including results of surveys measuring customer satisfaction.
Integrated Report:Q and A with the chief executive - top performing Cat dealer 2015 progress review - Integrated customer solutions Engaging with our stakeholders - Stakeholder issues report Engaging with our stakeholders - Stakeholder issues report Sustainable development - Customer satisfaction Innovative customer solutions - Equipment and Handling - Creating value for the customer through continuous improvement Innovative customer solutions - Equipment and Handling - Cost optimisation Innovative customer solutions - Equipment and Handling - Gold status of service excellence Innovative customer solutions - Equipment and Handling - Partnering for marine systems integration Innovative customer solutions - Automotive and Logistics - Recognition awardsCustomer satisfaction is primarily gauged through a range of informal and formal surveying tools, including regular direct engagement with customers.
Equipment southern Africa has adopted a three year Customer Experience Strategy focused on improving the Net Loyalty Score (NLS) and Customer & Employee Satisfaction Indices and keeping us as the most advanced CEM dealer in the EAME region. There are five pillars of the Strategy Robust Measurement, Customer Experience Journey Design, Communication and Change Management, Resources & Budget and Governance. The NLS score achieved in the current period is 4% above targeted and efforts ae continued to achieve the targeted 90% Customer Satisfaction level.
Barloworld Equipment Iberia surveys up to 60% of repair customers in the month after the repair. They also conduct customer surveys on other parts of their business including Parts sales (similar target of reaching 60% of their customers), rental operations as well as machine and generator sales. The ‘Initial Purchase Survey’ is conducted Equipment Iberia and by the principal, Caterpillar.
Barloworld Equipment Iberia surveys up to 60% of repair customers in the month after the repair. They also conduct customer surveys on other parts of their business including Parts sales (similar target of reaching 60% of their customers), rental operations as well as machine and generator sales. The ‘Initial Purchase Survey’ is conducted by the principal, Caterpillar.
In Barloworld Equipment Russia in addition to monthly customer surveys, Caterpillar conducts bi-annual customer surveys.
All Automotive’s dealerships participate in external independent customer satisfaction surveys.
These are normally conducted by OEMs. In addition, individual motor dealerships conduct their own surveys, particularly for their service departments.
Many Barloworld dealerships received awards from their respective principals in recognition of their achievements.
At Avis RAC, independent customer surveys are entrenched in our car rental operations with independent interviews conducted monthly with scores that are generally above 90% and peaks of up to 91.3% in South Africa. Scores and targets have been improving steadily in recent years. Scores above 90% are considered excellent. For the 12th consecutive year, Avis was once again awarded with the Business to Business award in the Car Hire Category at the 17th Sunday Times Top Brand Awards.
Avis Rent a car operations in South Africa, Namibia and Botswana have an ISO 9001/2008 accreditation which covers aspects the car rental process and addresses customer satisfaction and feedback processes, emphasising the focus on customer satisfaction.
Similarly, Avis Fleet Services monitor customer satisfaction with national average scores constant at around 90%.
Logistics’ marketing team, client services teams and external service providers conduct regular customer satisfaction surveys and client feedback sessions with the relevant parties. These assessments utilise client surveys and market perception surveys to evaluate customer satisfaction levels.
Handling operations have a number of customer interfaces including customer focus meetings, a variety of surveys and a call centre in South Africa.
Quality and customer satisfaction are elements of the ISO 9001 quality management system certification which is in place in a number of operations (Also see: Externally certified programmes and coverage)
Importantly, the operations use this information to improve performance and improve customer experience and loyalty; performance is also formally reported in management and executive and divisional board meetings.
Full list of awards received by our operations during the reporting period.