Economic performance: EC1 - EC4
EC1 Direct economic value generated and distributed, including revenues, operating costs, employee compensation, donations and other community investments, retained earnings, and payments to capital providers and governments.
Integrated Report:Group profile and where we operate This is Barloworld - Value added highlights - Value creation This is Barloworld - Statement of total value added This is Barloworld - Performance against key indicators Performance review against strategic focus areas - Sustainable development - Corporate Social Investment Financial returns - Summarised consolidated income statement Financial returns - Summarised notes to the consolidated financial statements - Salient featuresConsolidated Annual Financial Statements:Note 1 - Operating and geographical segments Note 19 - Revenue Note 20 - Operating profit Note 25 - Taxation Note 27 - DividendsSTATEMENT OF TOTAL VALUE ADDED
for the year ended 30 September 2015
A measure of the value created by the group is the amount of value added by its diverse manufacturing, distribution and other activities to the cost of raw materials, products and services purchased. This statement shows the total value created and how it was distributed
Number of employees: 19 745
Revenue per employee: R3.1m down 3.47%
Value created per employee: R790 010 down 1.68 %
Rm% 2014
Rm% 2013
Rm% 62 720 62 101 59 498 2 783 5 508 47 554 49 389 51 019 15 166 15 494 13 987 382 297 263 15 548 15 791 14 250 Value distribution 8 955 58 9 103 58 8 605 60 2 259 15 1 856 12 1 630 12 1 252 1 125 1 022 699 639 522 109 92 86 199 948 6 1 103 7 952 7 17 17 17 3 369 21 3 712 23 3 047 21 2 355 2 208 1 960 1 142 1 556 1 080 ( 128) ( 52) 7 15 548 100 15 791 100 14 250 100 Value added ratios 19 745 19 616 19 692 3 186 911 3 301 297 3 339 631 790 010 803 474 732 083 1 1 1 Notes: 1. Employees Salaries, wages, overtime payments, commissions, 7 780 7 673 7 068 1 175 1 204 1 071 8 955 8 877 8 140 226 465 8 955 9 103 8 605 2. Central and local government 770 947 821 63 59 54 69 49 38 46 48 39 948 1 103 952 ^ Includes interest received, dividend income and share of associate companies' and joint ventures' retained profit # Based on average number of employees ** Represents the gross amounts paid to employees including taxes payable by the employees + In respect of pension funds, retirement annuities, provident funds, medical aid and insurance -
EC2 Financial implications and other risks and opportunities for the organisation's activities due to climate change.
Integrated Report:Managing risk - Barloworld group top risks 2015 Managing risk - Risk heat map Sustainable development - Overview of environmental risk management and responses Sustainable development - Barloworld?s 2015 CDP Climate Change disclosure responses Sustainable development - Barloworld's 2015 CDP Water disclosure responsesBarloworld has identified risks and opportunities associated with climate change and financial implications thereof. These, together with the group's responses to the identified risks and opportunities, are disclosed in its responses to the CDPs Climate Change 2015 and the CDPs Water 2015 disclosures which can be viewed at In identifying sustainable development as a strategic focus area, the group acknowledges the significance of such risks and opportunities and includes these in its strategic planning process and operational plans.
Given Barloworld's reliance on motor vehicles, plant and equipment (currently predominantly fossil-fuel based technologies) as a core part of our business, these risks could be significant, potentially contributing to an increased cost base and decreased revenue. There are also opportunities for competitive products and solutions with reduced carbon footprints (For more detail see also EN6, EN7, EN8).
EC3 Coverage of the organisation's defined benefit plan obligations.
Integrated Report:Consolidated Annual Financial Statements:Accounting policies - 15. Post employment benefit obligations Note 16 - Other non-current liabilitiesRetirement benefit information
It is the policy of the group to encourage, facilitate and contribute to the provision of retirement benefits for all permanent employees. To this end, the group's permanent employees are usually required to be members of either a pension or provident fund, depending on their preference and local legal requirements
Altogether 51% of employees belong to one defined benefit and nine defined contribution retirement funds in which group employment is a prerequisite for membership. Of these, the defined benefit and five defined contribution funds are located outside South Africa and accordingly are not subject to the provisions of the Pension Funds Act of 1956. Altogether 20.3% of employees belong to defined contribution funds associated with industry or employee organisations.
Defined contribution plans
The total cost charged to profit or loss of R800 million (2014: R677 million; 2013: R675 million) represents contributions payable to these schemes by the group at rates specified in the rules of the schemes (note 20).
Defined benefit plans
The Group sponsors a funded defined benefit scheme for qualifying employees in the UK.
The defined benefit scheme is administered by a board of trustees that is legally separated from the entity and the assets are held separately in trust for the benefit of the scheme members. The board of the pension scheme is composed of three employer representatives, two employee representatives and one independent trustee. The trustee board is required by trust and pension law and by its articles of association to act in the interests of the scheme and of all relevant stakeholders in the scheme, i.e., current employees, former employees, retirees, and dependants. The trustee board is responsible for the investment policy with regard to the assets of the scheme.
The scheme exposes the Company to a number of risks, the most significant of which are:
- Changes in bond yields
- Asset volatility
- Inflation risk
- Effectively managing our long-term relationships with global principals and customers.
The pension costs relating to the defined benefit scheme are assessed in accordance with the advice of an independent qualified actuary who values the scheme using the projected unit valuation approach under which the current service cost as a percentage of active members' salaries is expected to increase, but in monetary terms a decrease is anticipated as the number of members fall. Contributions made by the UK subsidiary companies to the defined benefit scheme are charged to the profit and loss account so as to spread the cost of the pensions over the employees' expected working lives with the group.
Amounts recognised in the income statement in respect of defined benefit schemes are as follows:
Rm3 2 2 17 24 17 Change in RPI/CPI statutory index note 20) Net (gain)/loss recognised in profit or loss (20 26 19 66 63 39 86 88 58 166 646 356 The defined benefit scheme’s IAS 19 accounting valuation at 30 September 2015 reflected a deficit of R1 943 million (£93 million) which represents a decrease in the Sterling deficit compared to 2014 of R1 901 million (£104 million). The discount rate stayed consistent at 3.9% from 2014 to 2015, however, the asset returns underperformed but was offset by company recovery plan contribution of R318 million (£18 million).
The Trustees carry out a strategic investment review following completion of each triennial valuation to ensure that the assets are managed in a manner appropriate to the nature and duration of the expected future retirement benefits payable under the Scheme. The Trustees and the Company are actively considering mechanisms to reduce risk in the Scheme. During 2013 a bulk annuity was acquired in respect of a category of pensioners, which was structured as a buy-in. This was funded through the sale of government gilts and a special contribution by the company of £3.0 million
The defined benefit scheme's assets consist primarily of equity (local and offshore), insurance annuities and corporate bonds. The markets weakened towards the end of the financial year resulting in disappointing returns from the equity markets, strong returns were achieved in the bond markets.
EC4 Significant financial assistance received from government.
No significant financial assistance was received from government. If any, assistance is generally applicable in terms of legislation and across the relevant industries. It is principally in the context of training allowances and reimbursements from government such as Sector Educational Training Authorities (SETAs) in South Africa, training subsidies in Spain and Portugal, or various allowances under taxation legislation.