Training and education: LA10 - LA12
LA10 Average hours of training per year per employee by gender and employee category.
Integrated Report:People - Leadership Development People - Leadership Development - Percentage training spend by occupational level People - Leadership Development - Average training hours per employee by occupational levelTraining data is shown in the tables below.
Average Training Hours – Total Group
Occupational Level Ave Hours 2015 Ave Hours 2014 Ave Hours 2013 Board* 4.80 3.17 3.00 Executive 16.43 22.72 4.02 Senior Management 26.38 34.39 12.24 Middle Management 24.48 28.06 21.74 Skilled Upper 27.36 30.06 37.40 Semi skilled/apprentices/trainees 27.47 56.80 38.55 Labour/Unskilled 3.82 3.99 2.51 Total 26.54 38.08 35.22 * Excludes non-executive directors
Note - categorisation of levels for Executive, Senior Management and Middle Management was changed from 2014
Average Training Hours – Males and Females – Total Group
Occupational Level Ave Hours
Males 2015Ave Hours
Females 2015Ave Hours
Males 2014Ave Hours
Females 2014Ave Hours
Males 2013Ave Hours
Females 2013Board* 4.80 0.00 3.17 0.00 3.00 0.00 Executive 16.33 17.13 18.99 45.14 3.69 12.00 Senior Management 24.01 37.00 25.35 80.17 10.58 25.00 Middle Management 24.09 25.26 23.32 38.14 21.26 22.85 Skilled Upper 29.13 22.67 34.40 18.38 43.86 19.53 Semi skilled/apprentices/trainees 30.25 15.75 62.25 32.52 41.40 25.49 Labour/Unskilled 3.21 5.14 3.87 4.29 2.74 1.93 Total 28.41 21.03 42.30 25.26 39.60 21.53 * excludes non-executive directors
Note - categorisation of levels for Executive, Senior Management and Middle Management was changed from 2014
LA11 Programmes for skills management and lifelong learning that support the continued employability of employees and assists them in managing career endings.
Integrated Report:2015 progress review People - Talent management People - Leadership Development People - Leadership Development - Percentage training spend by occupational level People - Leadership Development - Average training hours per employee by occupational level People - Performance managementTraining programmes include apprenticeships, learnerships, management and leadership development programmes, technical skills and sales skills, all of which develop lifelong skills and ensure the ongoing employability of employees.
The group also conducts appropriate career-end programmes which include retirement planning, financial planning and life-skills.
Assistance is provided to employees for involuntary terminations. This includes appropriate financial packages, assistance with job search, financial advice and access to existing wellness and support programmes.
LA12 Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews.
Integrated Report:Corporate Governance:Governance framework - Chapter 2 - Board and directors - 2.22 Governance framework - Board and board committees' performance assessment Governance framework - Individual director performance assessmentCareer reviews (including individual development plans 'DAPs/IDPs) take place throughout the group with 72.50% (14 315) of employees reviewed during the year. An Intellectual Capital Review takes place at the senior levels for all divisions.
Career Review/DAP’s – Total Group
Male Female Total Board* 2 0 2 Executive 29 6 35 Senior Management 83 22 105 Middle Management 1 270 614 1 884 Skilled Upper 5 704 2 216 7 920 Semi skilled/apprentices/trainees 3 406 830 4 236 Labour/Unskilled 79 54 133 Total 10 573 3 742 14 315 * excludes non-executive directors
Note - categorisation of levels for Executive, Senior Management and Middle Management was changed from 2014.
Of the total workforce (19 745 employees), 53.5% (10 573 males) and 18.9% (3 742 females) received career reviews/individual development plans.
71.7% (10 573 males) of the total male workforce (14 739 males), and 74.8% (3 742females) of the total female workforce (5 006 females), received career reviews/individual development plans.
Performance discussions
Senior employees receive formal performance reviews, which are linked to balanced scorecards and remuneration. This does not take place at all levels as collective bargaining agreements cover sections of the workforce. 67.4% of employees received formal reviews in 2015.
Performance Reviews – Total Group
Male Female Total Board* 4 0 4 Executive 32 6 38 Senior Management 103 25 128 Middle Management 1 299 603 1 902 Skilled Upper 5 197 1 853 7 050 Semi skilled/apprentices/trainees 3 143 890 4 033 Labour/Unskilled 101 54 155 Total 9 879 3 431 13 310 * excludes non-executive directors
Note - categorisation of levels for Executive, Senior Management and Middle Management was changed from 2014
Of the total workforce (19 745employees), 50% (9 879 males) and 17.4% (3 431 females) received performance reviews. 67% (9 879 males) of the total male workforce (14 739) and 68.5% (3 431 females) of the total female workforce (5 006 females) received performance reviews.