Transport: EN29
EN29 Significant environmental impacts of transporting products and other goods and materials used for the organisation's operations, and transporting members of the workforce.
Integrated Report:The primary environmental impact of Barloworld’s transportation is emitting pollutants into the atmosphere.
These comprise mainly GHG emissions, but also a small proportion of other pollutants. Regular fleet maintenance is part of limiting these emissions. In addition, the use of latest technology also assists in reducing emissions.
A number of initiatives have been implemented within our Logistics operations to drive fuel efficiency:
- 39 Smart trucks have been deployed across three provinces that are capable of transporting sugar, timber and platinum. These vehicles have transported the same payload while doing some 2 822 less trips within the period. This saving equates to an estimated reduction of 858 385 kms and a saving of 513 282 litres of diesel and 1 370 tons of emissions.
- Since 2009, five Green Trailers which are superlink tautliner trailer combinations that significantly reduces the amount of fuel it uses through aerodynamic innovation have been included in the fleet. A research exercise conducted on the N3 between Johannesburg and Durban showed that when the Green Trailer travelled at a constant speed of between 70 and 80 km/h almost 11% of fuel was saved. This translates into a reduction of 66,8 tCO2e over a ten-month period (extrapolated annualised savings estimated at 80.1 tCO2e
- Efficient planning and routing – an efficient transport management service can cut transportation costs by 10% to 20% by transforming and optimising the entire distribution network. In line with this and central to our operations is our enterprise software platform MAX, a real-time internet-based operating platform that fuels the management of information in our business and provides transparent information flow which is fully integrated with vehicle tracking and ERP for real time order placement, delivery requirement analysis, optimal fleet allocation and vehicle routing.
- Logistics cold storage warehouse in Dubai incorporates skylights that maximise natural light without affecting temperature and induction lighting which consumes 20% less electricity than traditional lighting at night. In addition, the warehouse forklifts operate on bio-diesel and utilise chargers that use 22% less electricity than regular models.
In representing leading global brands, the group’s customer solutions are backed by world-renowned OEM warranties, guarantees and product responsibility, and design features.
All new vehicles, plant and equipment have comprehensive service and maintenance regimes which are either time- or use-based. These include inspection, and renewal if necessary, of critical safety items. This constant assessment and review of products includes customer safety aspects and optimal operation specifications. Rental plant and equipment is subject to similar assessment and service disciplines.