Employment: LA1 - LA3
LA1 Total workforce by employment type, employment contract, and region broken down by gender.
Integrated Report:Performance against key indicators - Number of employees People - Workforce by region People - Number of employees by division Diversity and inclusion - Females as % of total headcount Innovative customer solutions - Equipment and Handling - Social Innovative customer solutions - Automotive and Logistics - Social Innovative customer solutions - Corporate - Social Governance review - Who governs us
We understand that our employees are the foundation and drivers of our success. Accordingly, 'people' is one of our strategic focus areas. Creating value through – and for – employees by attracting, developing and retaining the globally competitive people necessary to implement our strategy and meet our growth targets remains one of the group’s most vital attributes.
Specific activities include developing internal resources for promotion through detailed development needs analysis per person, leadership/management development programmes, and continued focus on technical skills upliftment.
Number of employees* - Group
2015 2014 2013 7 931 8 298 8 691 7 336 7 743 8 002 595 555 689 11 703 11 203 10 378 7 603 7 433 7 219 4 100 3 770 3 159 111 115 113 19 745 19 616 19 182 *Includes permanent employees and contractors > 12 months. Excludes non-executive directors
In addition to the permanent workforce and contractors greater than 12 months, the group employs 833 people on short term/temporary contracts less than 12 months as at 30 September 2015
Workforce* by region
2015 2014 2013 15 095 14 619 13 877 2 354 2 357 2 418 2 145 2 472 2 632 146 161 242 5 7 13 19 745 19 616 19 182
Employee breakdown by GenderGlobal Breakdown - 2015 Global Breakdown - 2014 Global Breakdown - 2013 Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total 5 0 5 6 0 6 6 0 6 43 8 51 42 7 49 24 1 25 139 31 170 147 29 176 77 10 87 1 684 832 2 516 1 746 822 2 568 1 791 762 2 553 7 311 2 759 10 070 7 344 2 725 10 069 7 639 2 762 10 401 5 300 1 258 6 558 5 228 1 174 6 402 5 191 1 135 6 326 257 118 375 246 100 346 210 84 294 14 739 5 006 19 745 14 759 4 857 19 616 14 938 4 754 19 692 14 739 5 006 19 745 14 759 4 857 19 616 14 528 4 654 19 182 - Excludes non-executive directors
- Note – classification of Executive and Senior Management was changed from 2014. The data for previous reporting periods was not amended
LA2 Total number and rate of new employee hires, employee turnover by age group, gender, and region.
In 2015, 3 275 new recruits were appointed and 330 employees joined through acquisitions.
New Recruits
Age < and up to 30 30Age 31 - 50 50Age 51 and above Grand Total Male 1 010 1 190 112 2 312 Female 512 426 25 963 Grand Total 1 522 1 616 137 3 275 Total number of recruitments as a percentage of year end headcount has increased over the last year from 15.1% to 16.6% as at 30 September 2015. For 2015, males were 70.6% of new recruits and 74.6% of year end head count. Females were 29.4% of new recruits and 25.4% of year end headcount.
Recruitments as % of Year End Headcount
Year Recruitments Year End Headcount %
2015 3 275 19 745 16.6% 2014 2 970 19 616 15.1% 2013 3 086 19 182 16.1% Employee Turnover
Resignations Retrenchments / redundancies**** Retirements* Dismissals Deaths** Other*** 2015 1 833 437 237 733 61 522 2014 1 604 170 226 431 66 314 2013 1 709 219 211 592 45 1 213
Including retirements due to ill health
Including accidental deaths (work related/non work related) and deaths due to illness
Reflects sales of business and termination of fixed term contracts
Includes voluntary terminations
Resignations as % of Year End Headcount
Year Resignations Year End Headcount %
2015 1 833 19 745 9.3% 2014 1 604 19 616 8.2% 2013 1 709 19 182 8.9% Resignations as a percentage of year end headcount has remained between 8% and 9.4% level over the last four years.
Employee Turnover breakdown by age and gender – 2015
Age < and up to 30 Age < and Age 31 - 50 Age 31 -50 Age 51 and above Age 51 and Grand
TotalMale Female up to 30 Total Male Female Total Male Female above Total Resignations 500 235 735 662 323 985 84 29 113 1 833 Retirements 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 45 206 206 Dismissals 260 25 285 369 35 404 41 3 44 733 Ill Health Retirements 0 0 0 14 4 18 12 1 13 31 Deaths (work related) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Deaths Accidental(not work related) 0 0 0 9 0 9 0 0 0 9 Deaths Illness (not work related) 2 2 4 23 4 27 19 2 21 52 Retrenchments/redundancies 28 26 54 225 53 278 86 19 105 437 Grand Total 790 288 1 078 1 302 419 1 721 403 99 502 3 301 A total of 3 301 employees left the group due to resignation, retrenchment, retirement, ill health retirements, dismissal, death, termination of contracts longer than 12 months and sale of businesses. 65 employees transferred between divisions in the group.
LA3 Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part- time employees, by significant locations of operation.
Benefits provided to full-time employees include: retirement funding, leave, medical aid, employee wellness and assistance programmes, education assistance, training, staff discounts, study leave and annual bonuses.
In South Africa Barloworld paid R46.6 million to 183 participant in the Black Mangers Trust.
Benefits provided to permanent employees and not to temporary or part-time employees vary by division and region. In addition to those already noted, these include maternity leave, study leave, long service awards, long-term incentive and employee retention schemes, disability cover and life cover.
LA15 Return to work and retention rates after parental leave, by gender.
During the year, 360 employees took paternity leave. Of these, 359 were female and 1 male. To date, 291 returned to work and the balance of 68 are still on maternity leave. 2 employees resigned within the 12 month period of returning to work.
The focus will be on ensuring measurements are put in place to record paternity leave as opposed to maternity leave in all countries. Many males within the countries do take paternity leave but this is not currently recorded separately and therefore cannot be reported.