Marketing communications: PR6 - PR7

  • PR6 Programmes for adherence to laws, standards, and voluntary codes related to marketing communications, including advertising, promotion, and sponsorship.

    Integrated Report:
    Corporate Governance:

    Overarching Group standards as well as divisional standards ensure that all marketing and advertising conforms to applicable laws. The standards and corporate identities set by principals are adhered to. These are detailed and comprehensively monitored by Barloworld divisional operations and their principals. Any local adaptations require prior consent from principals. Barloworld Logistics and group brands are managed by established functions at divisional and group level. We are also guided by the standards set by industry bodies such as the Advertising Standards Authority who have self-regulation codes of practice that ensure appropriate conduct in advertising and marketing communication.

  • PR7 Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning marketing communications, including advertising, promotion, and sponsorship by type of outcomes.

    Integrated Report:
    Corporate Governance:

    During the year there were no instances of non-compliance with regulations on advertising, promotion or sponsorship.

    We are aware of the well-publicised Volkswagen and Audi emission issues affecting customers internationally. We recognise the associated risks and are engaging with our principal. The Volkswagen and Audi vehicles sold by us in our territories meet local emissions compliance standards, and our operations have consequently not been directly impacted. We regret any anxiety or uncertainty our customers, or any other stakeholders, may have experienced because of this matter.